The following policies are to be followed by City of Alva personnel in the establishment of utility service, monthly billing, and collection of service(s) provided. The policies are designed to inform the customers of their commitments relating to the service and provide personnel with direction in performance of their duties to provide the utility service.
The Trustees of the Alva Utility Authority, a public trust created and existing under the laws of the State of Oklahoma provide certain utility services to the citizens of Alva and certain areas outside the corporate city limits.
All potential customers requesting services provided by the Alva Utility Authority shall first make an “Application for Service”.
The application for service will provide the potential customers with deposit information, the Authority’s expectations relating to timely collection, conditions of the premises prior to establishment of service along with other vital requirements and regulations pertaining to the potential customer.
Each individual requesting service shall be required to complete a “Application for Service” that will become the “Contract for Service” after account holder has provided all required information, deposit has been applied to account, and account number has been established. The “Contract for Service” will be maintained by the utility billing office in account / book number order.
Each individual requesting utility service shall be eighteen (18) years of age and will be required to provide the utility department with some form of photo identification as to their identity. At times there may be request for lease agreements or abstract papers to show information needed by utility department.
Utility service shall not be granted to any potential customer who has an outstanding balance due to the Authority from a previous service until all delinquent account(s) are paid in full or resolved to the satisfaction of the Authority and the appropriate utility deposit is placed with the Authority to establish new service.
Applicant in need of residential utility service will be required to establish a deposit with the Alva Utility Authority in the amount of $245.00. Applicant in need of commercial utility service will be required to establish a deposit with the Alva Utility Authority in the amount of $245.00.
The Alva Utility Authority will accept for residential applicants only, in lieu of a cash deposit a letter of credit from another utility company with twelve (12) months of continuous service with no more than two (2) late payments, no collection charges, no cut-offs and no returned checks within the service year. Commercial accounts will be a cash deposit only. Accounts that have a letter of credit rather than a cash deposit will be required to post a cash deposit if the account is disconnected for nonpayment, returned check/bank draft, or three (3) late payments consecutively.
There is one billing cycle per month for all utility customers. Normal reading dates for water customers is the 20th of the month. Bills are mailed the last working day of each month. If you do not receive the bill in the mail you are still responsible for payment and you may contact our office to get the account balance due.
Utility bills are due by the 15th of each month. This provides customers fifteen (15) days to pay without penalties. Bills paid after the 15th at 5:00 pm will have a 10% late fee assessed to them.
It is the responsibility of the utility customer to keep their account on good standing with the Utility Authority by avoiding disconnection of service. Utility staff are authorized to enter payment arrangements based on past pay history of each utility account. Limit of four arrangements/ extensions per account per calendar year.
Alva Utility Authority accepts cash, check with proper account information printed on checks, money orders, certified funds, credit cards, debit cards, bank drafts (application form and VOID check must be on file with Utility Authority) and Alva Chamber Bucks’
We have a convenient drop box on the south side of the building, you can pay online at alvaok.org, bring your payments to the drive-up window or come inside lobby area at City Hall. We do not take payments over the phone.
Disconnect notices are generated to each utility account that is past due. Disconnect notices are mailed on the 16th of each month or the next business day after the 15th of each month. The Disconnect Notice will state the delinquent amount due and the service cut-off date in which account can be paid to avoid disruption of service.
Delinquent accounts with balances greater than $90.00 shall be processed for disconnection of service on the date listed on the Disconnection Notice. If payment is not received in the utility office before the disconnection date and time stated on the notice, service will be disconnected by the Alva Utility Authority without further notice. Payments made in drop box or online after disconnect date and time will be processed the next business day. Disconnect fees will still apply to these accounts. Once account has been generated on the disconnect list the Utility Authority cannot remove any fees or penalties. Service will not be resumed until the delinquent balance due, including disconnection fee ($45.00) and reconnection fee ($45.00) have been paid in full.
The Alva Utility Authority will assess a fee of $30.00 for all payments (check/drafts) returned dishonored by the bank they are written on for any reason.
Utility accounts that have been closed by account holder, Utility Authority, and/or no payments have been made for 2+ months will be turned over to the collection agency authorized by the Utility Authority. After account has been sent to collection agency all payments and correspondence from account holder must be directed to the collection company.
1. If a water leak occurs on the customers water service line, the only portion of the billing that may be adjusted according where the leak is, is the sanitary sewer charge for that billing period. Adjustments will be calculated on the previous six (6) months average billed to the customer for said sanitary service, as authorized by the City Business Manager.
2. Should it become necessary to back bill a customer for utility services which have not been previously billed, a maximum of twelve (12) months period shall be generated to the customer for the back billing.
3. Should an error occur in the billing due to readings; the customers account will be adjusted for the months that are in error dating back no further than twelve (12) months after a correct reading is attained by the City of Alva personnel.
4. Should an error occur in the billing; customers account may be adjusted with recommendation from the City Business Manager and written approval by the Water/Sewer Committee.
Utility Accounts include sanitation service. Residential rates and pick up days are outlined on the sanitation map (attached). Exemptions can be requested by filling out a form and returning it to the Utility Office for public works committee review and determination if location can be exempt from sanitation services. Applicants will be notified in writing if they have been approved or denied for exempt status. Commercial and out of City limit rates are available upon request.
The following requirements are set up by the City of Alva regarding collection of garbage and rubbish.
1. Where alley access is available, residential customers are required to place trash containers in the alley outside of any fenced or enclosed structure.
2. Where alley access is not available. Residential customers are required to place trash containers no further back than the back line of the dwelling and outside of any yard fence or enclosed structure.
3. Rock, dirt, and paint cans shall not be placed in trash containers and pickup services will not be provided on these materials.
4. Tree trimmings, hedge clippings and similar material should be cut to lengths not to exceed four (4) feet and separately tied in bundles not more than two feet thick. Tree trimmings should be placed on the front by curb.
5. Grass clippings and yard trimmings shall be placed in a disposable plastic bag of sufficient strength to contain the contents when lifted. Bags of grass clippings and yard trimmings shall be placed in the front of each yard by curb.
6. Tree trimmings and bags of grass clippings will be picked up on Wednesdays only and customer should call Utility office to request removal of these items.
7. Failure to comply with any of these provisions regarding the collection requirements shall be punishable by a fine not exceed $50.00 per occurrence, per day.
After Hours Utilities: (580) 327-2121
Okie Dig: (800) 522-6543